Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Media Fever For Coors Light

Last year, US beer brand Coors Light launched a campaign called “Code Blue”. The campaign hinged on a gadget launched with Coors Light beer bottles last year which enabled the picture on the labels to turn from white to blue when the beer gets cold enough to drink.

Now Coors Light is extending its presence in the new media with efforts on the social networking Web sites Facebook, MySpace as well as YouTube.

To promote yet another feature - a new wide-mouth Coors Light can, two clips of the “perfect pour” have been posted on YouTube.

The Facebook application, due to launch next week, enables consumers ages 21 and over to send friends “Code blue” alerts on Facebook, inviting them to meet up for a Coors Light. They can also use Facebook maps to direct their posse to a nearby bar.