They have created a series of Webisodes titled “Who Hired Bob?” The comedy series follows the misadventures of Bob, a quirky character in an office setting who obsesses over the little things that have nothing to do with work. Bob loves his Tassimo machine to the point of being fanatic about it. Each episode is said to contain one “Tassimo Moment”, where an acknowledgment to the audience that the Webisodes are a marketing tool.
The online series is a result of a marketing innovation fund that Kraft instituted to experiment with different forms of marketing.
The initial two Webisodes, which are available for viewing at, have three acts each, with viewers able to choose between one of two options at the end of Acts I and Acts II as to what happens next to Bob. Each act runs about two minutes for a total of six minutes per Webisode. Viewers can also submit stories of "Bob-like" characters in their own workplaces. The winning viewer submission will be filmed as the next "Bobisode."