Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hybrid On The Cheap

The 39th richest man in the world, Mikhail Prokhorov, made his billions in finance and precious metal production. The billionaire's latest venture involves spending close to $200 million in an attempt at building and selling petrol electric hybrid vehicles for the Russian market.

The two-door ë-mobile (pronounced "Yo-mobile") will source all of its parts from Russia and former Soviet Union nations, and costing approximately $10,000 when it is released in 2012.

The ultra-cheap hybrid will come standard with a loud engine, negating the need to install extra sound and noise output now required by the US for all hybrid cars for safety purposes, and will achieve a top speed of 130 kilometres per hour, with fuel efficiency said to be around 3,5 litres per 100 kilometres.

Via - Fastcompany