Premium Goes Online
Fabergé, makers of the world-renowned golden eggs, recently re-launched on the 09 - September - 2009 to bring the brand more in-line with the digital age.
In a move that could potentially save the company millions, Fabergé has decided to forgo the traditional boutique stores and instead opted to hire various online advisors who will be available to consumers worldwide 24 hours a day. The company believes that the on-on-one assistants will provide premium consumers a high level of personalised service, as well as having some consistency at this important brand touch-point.As the sales advisors build relationships with customers, they will be able to place new or alternative products directly onto customers' screens based on personal preferences and interests. Customers can browse the jewellery from every angle in minute detail online.To view the new and updated website in line with this relaunch, click here.Via - Brand Republic