Puma has built the world's biggest pop-up store, which is currently traveling the world with the 70-foot long Puma sailing boat - il Mostro - which is competing in the 2008 Volvo Ocean Race.
The structure is a 11,000 square foot building that contains a retail store, lounge, event space, and offices. The building will be assembled and disassembled a number of times at different harbor sites around the world over the span of a year, which added an extra challenge for the designers and architects.The designers opted for shipping containers as the basis for the structure. 24 containers were restructured to make up the impressive structure. The store has also been designed to conform to international building codes, as well as adaptable ventilation systems to make traveling to different parts of the world easier.Via: PSFK
With so many companies having to cancel their Christmas parties this year due to the negative economic downturn, it was only a matter of time before a big brand stepped up in attempts to stand out.
Kahlua has launched a campaign for all companies eligible in 5 States in the US in their attempt to help save some holiday parties. The brand is offering five $10,000 prizes to five small businesses that have had to cancel their holiday parties and interested companies can apply online at KahluaSavesTheHolidayParty.com.Via: Luxist
An interesting study conducted by British Neuro-Scientist Dr Gemma Calvert has found that a brand's logo, whilst eliciting responses in test subjects, actually affects potential consumers far less than more subtle, subliminally stimulating imagery.
The research subjects were shown subliminal images that had no overt connection to cigarette brands - a red Ferrari, a cowboy on horseback, a camel in the desert. Next, they were shown explicit images such as the Marlboro Man and Joe Camel, the Marlboro and Camel logos, and branded packs of cigarettes.In both cases, MRI scans were used to look for activity in the nucleus accumbens - the area in our brain that controls cravings, with the aim to determine whether subliminal images would generate cravings similar to those generated by the logos and the clearly marked Marlboro and Camel packs. There was a similar response among former smokers, but no response among people who had never smoked before.The results showed that even though both explicit and implicit images elicited some form of craving response in test subjects, the subliminal images not only generated more activity in the reward and craving center amongst test subjects than when they viewed the overt images. In other words, the logo-free images associated with cigarettes triggered more cravings among smokers than the logos themselves or the images of cigarette packs, a result that was consistent for both Camel and Marlboro smokers.The research concluded that brand components engage the consumer in figuring out who's behind the message and, most importantly, speak to the subconscious mind. For example, one won't find a logo on the front of an iPod, yet its iconic look is enough for you to know what brand it is, whilst BMW's signature kidney grill is distinct enough to represent the entire brand.Via: AdAge
Beginning on Dec. 4, Jameson's Whiskey will launch an outdoor projection-media campaign in high-traffic areas where many of Jameson's target consumers will be out and about, around restaurants and bars.
The interesting angle to this outdoor campaign is the seemingly live interaction the billboards will have with potential consumers. AdAge reports that the projected screens will look as if someone is typing out messages to passers-by, even though most of the communications have been scripted and automatically programmed on a seven- to 10-minute looping movie file. In New York and Los Angeles, however, a copywriter will actually type out messages in real time via a laptop to interact with those near the projection.It sounds like it could potentially be a very fun campaign, especially for the copywriters who are typing live and interacting with passers-by. The campaign is set to launch in New York, where it will run for three nights before touring the rest of the US for the remainder of December.Via: AdAge